It’s been a busy week, haven’t had the opportunity to sit down and right a blog post or work on any interesting projects this weeks. Sometimes other responsibilities take precendence however.
Most of this weeks’ free time has been spent doing adminstration and planning for various club activities; sending emails, making posts and online events, starting some fundraiser plans.
We had a great night at game night this week, it’s always fun to hang out with your best friends and just catch up on life. I recieved a new commission for minatures painting this week, not sure when I’ll be able to start them, but they do look like fun! I’m continually blown away by the depth of variety and quality of models on the market today. We sure have come along way!
Haven’t been able to keep up with all my daily practices I’d like. As always keeping good habits can be hard and this week has been no exception. Nothing you can do about it but recognize the situation and try to adopt and overcome. It’s a patch weekend so I’m working over night, going to try to get back into a few good habits and practices while it’s quiet and there are fewer distractions.