Tecsun 2P3 AM Radio Kit

Back in March and April I had a bit of time to my self while my significant other was recovering from surgery and I found my self working on a few soldering projects. One of them was this AM radio kit I picked up off Amazon produced by Tecsun.

The kit was fun and was intermidiate in skill level needed I’d say. There were a few areas that were tight to work in. This was the first radio kit I’ve done that included tunable inductors and shields for certain sections that needed to be soldered in place. The kit runs on 2 AA bateries and has plenty of life and volume. The inluded headphone jack is a nice extra for times when you don’t wish to disturb others.

My only complaint about the radio is that it’s fairly sensitive to outside interference. If there are any LED light sources or computer equipment nearby you will likely pickup noise and interference if you are too close. Overall not bad for a $30 kit, I would definetly suggest picking it up if your in the market for an AM radio kit.
