
Game night got canceled which is a shame, but probably for the best given the weather conditions. I’m using the opportunity to try to organize my thoughts and plans for the next few weeks as best I can.

Got a 1.5 km hike around the block with my backpack on during lunch, current weight is about 22 lbs loaded with everything for work. Once I start getting my endurance up and need another challenge I’ll swap out my work kit for my radio kit which will add 10 or so pounds to the over all weight. I’d like to be able to start hiking again this summer if I can with my radio and do some Parks on the Air activations. But we’ll see how my foot handles the walking and hiking again, I have some reservations given some previous injuries. If anything we can always activate parks from picnic benches and parking lots, nothing wrong with that, it’s all about getting out and activating one way or the other.

Did a token amount of CW and music training, enough to say I did it, but not enough to have really learned anything from it. Some days are just maintenance days, better to do a little bit than nothing… provided you still have the focus. I learned the hardway as a kid, practicing late at night when I didn’t have enough focus would often result in more mistakes and more harm than good was often done.